Smoke Proper

Rolling Accessories Shop Now

The Smoke Proper Way

Smoke Proper was created with the understanding that every smoker is different, and with this individuality should come the ability to customize your every smoke. Smoke Proper Rolling Accessories specializes in providing a waterproof, odor resistant, rolling paper kit for dispensing paper by the roll. This of course includes all the smoking essentials one who was smoking rolling paper would need to twist/roll their own dry product in one portable rolling kit.
Our unique paper dispenser/ joint rolling kit also allows a user the convenience of choosing their own custom desired length of paper with every use. This means you no longer have to decide between the various (slim, regular, double wide, and king size) precut booklets of papers, instead you are ready to roll any size depending on your mood.
Now you have everything you need to roll up fresh with a portable joint roller container, as well as separately hold and store your prerolls in a portable joint case. Having a section of the product specifically as a joint preroll case allows you store multiple prerolls and a lighter so you’re always ready to smoke up at any moment.

Smoke Proper was created with the understanding that every smoker is different, and with this individuality should come the ability to customize your every smoke. Smoke Proper Rolling Accessories specializes in providing a waterproof, odor resistant, rolling paper kit for dispensing paper by the roll. This of course includes all the smoking essentials one who was smoking rolling paper would need to twist/roll their own dry product in one portable rolling kit.

Our unique paper dispenser/ joint rolling kit also allows a user the convenience of choosing their own custom desired length of paper with every use. This means you no longer have to decide between the various (slim, regular, double wide, and king size) precut booklets of papers, instead you are ready to roll any size depending on your mood.

Now you have everything you need to roll up fresh with a portable joint roller container, as well as separately hold and store your prerolls in a portable joint case. Having a section of the product specifically as a joint preroll case allows you store multiple prerolls and a lighter so you’re always ready to smoke up at any moment.

Listen To Your Customer

Our market would be anyone who rolls-their-own joint rolling paper, but more specifically we have created this product inspired for those that are active in the outdoors, are on the go traveling, or would benefit by having all of their smoking needs in one easy to use device. Therefore along with hidden smoking accessories to assist in rolling up you also have a joint storage case/ joint mini case to travel on the go, ready at any moment for your smoking needs.

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