Serious chain smokers love the art of rolling their own smokes rather than breaking their bank for store-bought ones. Moreover, roll-your-owns can be prepared as per your needs and leaves room for experimentation with different blends for a better smoke experience. No wonder that smoke aficionados are so into this art! 
Regardless of the reasons behind preferring to roll one’s own, the club faces a very common problem — that of tobacco drying out. This ruins the entire experience as it leaves a harsh aftertaste behind that even the most weathered smokers despise. That is why it is essential to store your tobacco in a manner that doesn’t rob the leaves of its moisture yet doesn’t make it soggy. 
When you bring ground tobacco or leaves home, your goal should be to slow down the chemical changes by storing it the right way. Here are some pointers that will help you out to keep your tobacco (or weed) in great condition: 
Ziploc Bags
Rush to your kitchen and get a hold of Ziploc bags that you use to store veggies. Transfer your priced herbs into these bags to keep them safe. These plastic bags prevent dehydration of the leaves as it seals in the moisture and creates the perfect humid environment. 
Mason Jars 
Who’d have thought that mason jars would become so ubiquitous? If you are in the roll-your-own club, make them your best friend as these enhance your stash’s shelf life. They are specially designed for food products and are also more sustainable than other alternatives. Moreover, you can get them in a whole lot of different sizes as per your needs! 

If you’re looking for long-term storage options, then go for mason jars instead of plastic storage ones. This is because, with time, plastic microparticles can seep into your tobacco and make it unsafe for smoking. 
Smoking Kits 
Of course, you wouldn’t want to take along a mason jar when you venture out to have a smoke with a friend, would you? Get your hands on smoking kits that are available online instead, so that you can keep your emergency stash safe wherever you go. Whether it’s a day trip or an extra smoke outside the office, it will make your life so much easier. 
Other than having special compartments for rolling papers, the storage area of a high-quality smoking kit is also water-resistant and locks in the natural moisture of pre-ground tobacco. So, if on the move options are what you seek, this is the way to go! 
Love rolling your own smokes and doobies? Looking for smoking kits online to take roll-your-owns to the next level? Browse through our extensive catalog of multi-functional smokin’ hot kits and accessories crafted for those aficionados like you!

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